Revolutionizing Diagnosis Through Biomarking and Deep Learning
Redefining Fibro Diagnosis
The Problem
5 Months
For the average official diagnosis of Fibromyalgia to occur following the discovery of symptoms.
4 years
Is how long patients have historically had to wait to get a diagnosis for FMS and treatment.
Fibromyalgia (FMS) is a large-scale chronic disorder that causes musculoskeletal pains, fatigue, sleep disturbances, cognitive issues, and mood disorders. It is characterized by waves of pain throughout the body of a patient. Despite its initial recognition in 1990, FMS is a poorly understood condition with no derived cure, largely because the causation has remained rather unclear. People endure a prolonged diagnostic process due to the lack of objective biomarkers and primitive technology.
80% - 96%
Of the average Fibromyalgia(FMS) cases occur in women, creating a stigma and leading to social barriers.
Of the world population suffers from FMS, with around 4 million people being afflicted by the condition in the U.S
Our novel, innovative biosensor designs integrate temperature sensors, electromyography sensors, sleep monitors, HRV sensors, GSR sensors, and blood saturation sensors all into one sleek, standardized design. These specific sensors have been chosen as they serve as the premier measures for human stress and pain. The biosensors offer the ability to gather biological data without the clutter of various pieces of external equipment and circuitry. All of these pieces offer easy wearability and appeal, as well as are quickly removable and attachable for convenience. The sensors’ small and clean design frame offer plenty of branding potential and comfortability without motion restriction. The patches, ring, and wristband will be applied to various pulse points as designated by your healthcare advisor, and will track and store biological data from the patient while they sleep. Each sensor includes a transmitter to transmit all biological data to the main receiver in the chest strap. From here, the data is compiled and transmitted to the ML cloud interface to be processed and interpreted. Each sensor also includes a small battery port (and battery tracking with the app), and LEDs to function for on and off. In addition, all pieces are waterproof and made from rubber silicon, a rigid but flexible fiber, among other things.
Biosensor Patches
The small, comfortable, 1.5in x 1.5in biosensor patches are made from rubber silicon easy flexibility/ bendability while a patient sleeps. The patches are standardized in design, with each one serving as a different sensor. The outline of the patch frame will be an LED that will light to signal battery need or on/off. In addition to gathering data, these patches also incorporate heating pads and vibration motors. At designated time periods set on the app, these sensors will release small vibrations and heat. Studies show that vibration and heat can actually help FMS patients overcome skin sensitivity, adding a layer of treatment to our device.
GSR Ring Sensor
To accommodate for the Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) and its necessity to be wrapped around two fingers, our biosensor design resembles a small ring to be worn on two fingers. Within the inside of the ring design will be the main sensor, and all of the circuitry and the primary chip will be in the thick band. The outside will display an LED. The LED of the GSR sensor will stay lit if it senses the app behavioral survey hasn’t been taken in a 15 hour window, serving as a friendly reminder for behavioral data.
HRV Wrist Patch Sensor
A wrist patch device will be used to measure Heart Rate Variability(HRV) with its direct contact to the radial pulse. The arm patch with feature a central metal LED and panel that will house the majority of the electronics and circuitry. The Velcro strap and cotton overlay on allow for comfortable and quick removal after bed. with a cotton overlay for comfortability. The LED of the HRV sensor will stay lit if it senses the app survey hasn’t been taken in a 15 hour period. This offers a friendly reminder for behavioral data.
The Chest Piece
The chest belt will be an easily wearable and comfortable vest that will contain the primary receiver for all biosensor data. The chest piece additionally houses muscle and accelerometer sensors to monitor chest and breathing activity. It is designed with minimal elastic straps with a cotton cover, allowing for a soft and comfortable feel. The main chest frame is made out of silicon rubber polymer, ensuring stability for the circuitry as well as a level of elasticity so the sensor won’t be crushed if the patient moves in their sleep, and so that they enjoy a more pleasant sleep experience with our device. The flattened chest frame also allows for clothing to be applied over it, adding to its consumer appeal. The belt is lightweight, flexible, and adjustable so as to ensure usability by any size of patient. The padding and breathable cotton will ensure no overheating as a result of our device.
The Headpiece
Equipped with 64 EEG neurofeedback electrodes, the night-wear cap element of the Fibrometer is designed to detect spikes and abnormalities in beta, theta, and delta waves, categorizing and analyzing them to be readily accessible in the Fibrometer app. The cap contains high-quality silver-silver chloride electrodes for low noise, offset voltage, and effectiveness. The cap is composed of medical-grade silicon with silicone to support maximum comfort as well as breathable fabrics for comfortable ventilation in sleep. An adjustable velcro chin strap ensures both security and comfort, and the sleek, breathable design ensures efficiency. Inner padding of memory foam provides optimal comfort for extended wear while minimized skin irritation.